The BusinessVoice Blog

Telephone Skills Training

Seth Godin is one of the most popular and respected marketing bloggers on the planet. Here’s a dose of his common sense applied to the subject of your callers and the person who may be responsible for creating their first impression of your business.

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Using Co-op Dollars for Your On Hold Marketing

Yes, On Hold Marketing helps you sell more products or services and makes it easier to build stronger long-term relationships with customers. But, this blog post is about generating immediate revenue from your On Hold Marketing (OHM) program itself.

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Phone Hell

When I worked as a reporter, we had a special name for the most annoying call processing systems. You know, the ones that send you through five different levels of menus as you search for the person or information you need.

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Put Yourself On Hold

Do you assume that all of your automated systems are always working properly because they’re…well…automated? That could be a mistake.

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