Program Design

We believe that impressions made by Caller Experience Marketing (CXM) are more valuable than those made through traditional marketing channels.


With Caller Experience Marketing from BusinessVoice…

1) You’ll always reach your most important target audience: existing customers and interested prospects.

2) You’ll typically reach your audience when they’re ready to buy during business hours.

3) You can make strong impressions on every single person who contacts your company.

4) You can transition callers from your outbound marketing “into” your organization and the next step of your relationship.

5) You can reinforce your brand promise and personality.

6) You can create or expand awareness of your products and services.

7) You can improve your call-to-action and direct response marketing by incentivizing callers to buy now.

8) You can increase impulse purchases by promoting products that are related to what your callers buy most often.

9) You can improve your customer share when you inform callers about your lesser-known products or services.

10) You just might spend less money. With Caller Experience Marketing, there’s no media to buy. The medium is free.

When prospects call your company, they’re judging the level of care you provide: your efficiency, attitude, attention to detail. They also want to know that the positive feelings they got from your outbound marketing are consistent with who you are over the phone and in person. That’s why it’s important that every part of the call meets their expectations and encourages them to continue the relationship.

There’s true potential in each incoming call, including a long-term revenue stream. We help you capitalize on that potential.

How We Do It

The BusinessVoice team will apply more than 35 years of experience to design your custom solution.

We’ll start by taking a deep dive into your brand, customers and caller profile, as well as the threats and opportunities you’re facing.

Then, we’ll assess your current caller journey by asking questions like these:

  • Is the caller experience you provide focused on your company’s needs or your callers’ needs?
  • Do your automated greetings and call processing announcements align with your brand standards?
  • How long are your hold and in-queue times?
  • Are you maximizing the opportunity you have with a captive audience – your callers on hold?
  • Are your CSRs creating exceptional experiences or are they merely processing calls as quickly as possible?

We’ll also make recommendations on how to improve mapping, scripting, voicing, engineering, programming, KPI monitoring and reporting services. We can assist with selecting your voice and music category, too.

We’ll base the length of each On Hold Marketing production and the frequency of your updates on your hold times, how often the average person calls, your marketing needs and the nature of your content.

On a scheduled basis, your BusinessVoice Creative Consultant will reach out to update your content. That proactive approach has been one of our key differentiators since we began in 1989.

Our in-house experts work with your IT staff or a third-party partner to install and program any necessary equipment. And our remote content delivery solutions reduce or even eliminate your staff’s need to interact with any hardware.