Your company’s growth and new technology can be exciting, but they can also lead to changing priorities and missed opportunities to delight your callers. Here’s an easy solution.
The BusinessVoice Blog
Inspiring speaker and author Simon Sinek has a few thoughts on the value of communicating via telephone, rather than a certain type of online tool.
Decades ago, Butterball identified a problem their customers had and still have to this day. Their solution continues to work well. It could serve as an inspiration for you, too.
Do you produce a B2B podcast? Given the times of day that people typically listen, it’s especially important that you deliver immediate value. Here are a few tips.
You might not believe what we hear – and don’t hear – when we call companies around the country. Is your caller experience suffering in these same ways?
How many songs can you name with titles and/or lyrics related to telephones, calling or holding? We created a Spotify playlist with several examples. Check it out.
Research shows that there’s a severe lack of laughter within a surprisingly broad age range. That represents a great opportunity for your brand and the caller experience you provide.
You probably never heard the name Lou Ottens before, but he invented something that millions of people enjoyed and relied on for decades. Here’s how it all connects to your brand.
Jumping on the podcast bandwagon may seem exciting, but if you don’t have solid answers to these four questions, you might want to reconsider.
Customer Service Week comes just once a year, but your strong commitment to caring for customers will benefit you all year long. Consider these tips.
Whether you realize it or not, you’ve heard audio logos. Listen to these well-known examples and then consider how your brand might benefit from your own audio logo.
A whole lot of people are talking on the phone these days. They’re in search of the human connection that’s missing from so many other forms of modern communication.