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Podcast Topic Turns to Humor On Hold

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While chatting with MadAveGroup’s Michael Seay about his marketing journey, Spencer LeGros – co-host of the LoudKid Films podcast – brought up the BusinessVoice service Humor On Hold.

In this video clip, Michael tells the story of how Jerry Brown and Scott Greggory “were right there at the beginning of On Hold Marketing and that whole experience, setting it up,” and defining what the service is and what it could be.

“Applying humor to the caller experience was a natural transition from my work in radio,” said Scott. “But humor can be even more powerful on hold because it’s completely unexpected. When we catch callers off guard, we can capture their attention, draw them into the content and encourage them to listen actively.”

Below, the podcast segment about Humor On Hold and the ADDY Awards video that Spencer referenced as “stealing the show.”