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August 17, 2023

Follow these tips to keep your laptop, tablet or phone battery in top shape. Don’t charge too much by leaving a device always plugged in, because staying in a range of 40 to 80 percent charged will prolong battery life. Likewise, don’t let your battery completely run out because that can limit its lifespan. And avoid cheap replacement cables and chargers that may not work as well and could even pose a fire hazard. Source Link

Your eyesight seems fine, so why do you need an annual eye exam? Because glaucoma – the second leading cause of blindness – often has no symptoms and may not affect vision when it’s most treatable. Routine testing that measures eye pressure can provide an early warning for glaucoma. Source Link

Battling with a young picky eater can create tension but won’t do much to change the habit. In a study, toddlers who were choosy about food maintained a similar weight whether or not parents made an issue of it. Better to introduce a new food over time once a week in smaller portions and mix it with a fruit or vegetable that your child enjoys. Source Link

August 16, 2023

Heading to college with allergies requires some planning before you arrive on-campus. Contact the school’s health care service to see if they have an allergist and find out if local grasses and pollen might aggravate your allergy. And resist the urge to live in a mess because dust and mold in a dorm room can make allergy symptoms worse. Source Link

Some staples found in many medicine chests or kitchen pantries can help you clean your carpet. Spray a spot with shaving cream and let it sit for 30 minutes to remove many common stains. Sprinkling a box of baking soda before vacuuming can freshen a carpet, and a spray mix of warm water and peppermint essential oil or extract can tackle stubborn pet odors. Source Link

Setting new goals can help to keep you on-track for lifelong fitness. Identify an area that needs work, like cardio endurance or flexibility, and focus on that. You could master an activity that’s new to you, like running, swimming or cycling, or exercise for a good cause by signing-up for an event like a 5K run or a bike ride for charity. Source Link

August 15, 2023

You can make space in your fridge by removing any of these foods. Tomatoes keep their best on the kitchen counter and coffee needs a cool and dry place for storage. Bread can be kept in the freezer but not the refrigerator and onions and potatoes don’t need to take up space in your crisper because any cool, dry storage place will do. Source Link

Using a store’s shopping app on your phone may be convenient but it ‘s often a back door for advertisers to get information about you. Many of the most popular apps share your personal data with third-party advertisers. The solution is to turn off permissions in those apps or make your purchase through the retailer’s website with a browser instead of using the app. Source Link

Here’s a three-word mantra that can help when decluttering a house – best, favorite or necessary. When you have too many things you use, pick out the best ones and clear out the rest. You can also hang on to favorites and what’s necessary, as long as you don’t save too many things. Source Link 

August 14, 2023

Not everything in a thrift store is a smart buy. Do pick up cheap sweaters because you’ll save big on retail prices for something you might wear a few months of the year. Don’t buy shoes that may have stretched out to the former owner’s foot shape and could be uncomfortable. Bargain hunt for baby clothes but avoid used toys that may not conform to safety standards. Source Link

To start a good conversation with someone new, avoid questions like, “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Instead, get them talking with an opener like, “What’s your story?” or “What makes you smile when you get up in the morning?” or “What’s the most important thing I should know about you?” The goal is to make the conversation about the other person. Source Link

For better self-esteem, look for ways to build on your strengths instead of just fixing the weaknesses. Discover what skills make you feel best about yourself and find activities to stimulate that. If it’s critical thinking, go to lectures or take a class. Creatives can start a new project and or you can strengthen perseverance by taking on a new responsibility on a short timetable. Source Link

August 11, 2023

You can make your Amazon shopping easier with some simple tips. Save search time by creating wish lists for yourself for items you want but won’t buy right away. Use the Amazon Assistant web browser extension to find deals. If all else fails, search with the words, “Gifts for…” and include the recipient, like “mother, wife, husband” or anyone else. Source Link

When you’re trying to save something to memory, count to eight. Studies have shown that concentrating on something for eight seconds is the minimum amount of time it takes for a piece of information to go from your short-term memory to long-term memory. Taking time to concentrate can help you remember what’s important. Source Link

Can a downward dog help you get that high blood pressure down? Researchers found that people who added a 15-minute yoga session to aerobic exercise five days a week could drop their upper blood pressure number by as much as 10 points. Yoga was more effective than stretching exercises in reducing blood pressure. Source Link

August 10, 2023

That next grocery shopping trip can be faster when you follow these tips. Take stock of what’s in your pantry and fridge and make a shopping list before you go, and pick up canned or frozen produce if you don’t eat the fresh kind fast enough. Don’t shop when you’re hungry and go it alone so that kids or your spouse don’t add more to the shopping cart. Source Link

We love our shoes and have plenty of pairs, but how many do you really need to pack for vacation? The magic number is three. For example, a business trip may call for flats, heels and sneakers. Or you can visit with the family by packing a pair of sneakers, boots and dress shoes. Don’t pack more than three unless you have a specific need for multiple pairs. Source Link

When you’re looking for a car that will go the extra mile – and then some – there are many that can easily hit the 200,000-mile mark. In a study, the top five were the Toyota Sequoia and Land Cruiser, followed by the Chevy Suburban, Toyota Tundra and GMC Yukon XL. But it’s not all big trucks or SUV’s because the number-six vehicle was the Toyota Prius hybrid sedan. Source Link