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BusinessVoice News Network

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August 25, 2023

Pop quiz – what’s the germiest place in most bathrooms? Here’s a hint — you don’t sit on it. That shower curtain stays moist and is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, yeast and mold. Wipe down a plastic shower curtain with an antibacterial cleaner or wash a cloth one in hot water once a week and crack a window or open the door during a shower to help the bathroom dry out better. Source Link 

Online is fun, but more social connections in real life can help you live a happier life. Joining a club can foster a sense of belonging and protect against loneliness and isolation. And socializing with colleagues outside of work can build friendships and make work time more productive with people whose company you enjoy in and out of the office. Source Link 

There are some ways to be frugal that can end up backfiring on you. Avoiding the cost of preventative care like dental checkups or oil changes can cause more-expensive problems later. Signing up for a store credit card for a one-time deal could leave you on the hook for high interest charges later and don’t lose track of free trials that become regular monthly bills. Source Link 

August 24, 2023

People who’ve gone on a water fast claim it’s a great way to lose weight, but is it safe? Researchers say “yes” and they found that a water fast can trigger significant weight loss, but the benefits are often short-lived. For many people the weight returns within three months, unless they follow their water fast with a diet that restricts calories. Source Link

Those photos of homes that we love to browse on Zillow, Redfin and Realtor.com are also popular with burglars who can use them to spot vulnerabilities and scope out security systems, so it’s best to get your home offline unless you’re selling. Real estate websites let you claim ownership and request that any home photos be taken down. Source Link

Now that you’re back to packing school lunches, why not make them healthier? Try using whole grain bread, lean meats and fresh lettuce and tomato in sandwiches. Pack raw vegetables with a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. And when kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese should only be occasional meals. Source Link 

August 23, 2023

Here’s how to prepare your digital life for after you’re gone. Set up a password manager for all accounts and apps, share that master password with a trusted contact and designate a legacy contact for your Facebook page, or ask Facebook to delete your account after you die. Your next-of-kin can also memorialize your Instagram account after providing proof of death. Source Link

Don’t be that passenger who makes things miserable for the airline flight crew. Don’t get up to use the bathroom during service and make a flight attendant move the cart for you. Don’t ask for water while passengers are still boarding and don’t hand off trash to the flight attendant who’s serving drinks or ask for a drink when they’re collecting garbage. Source Link

When health care isn’t an urgent need, take time to explore all the options. Look for information from trusted sources like websites of medical organizations and have a thorough discussion with your doctor about what’s best for you. And remember there’s nothing wrong with getting a second or even third opinion about how to proceed with treatment. Source Link

August 22, 2023

This two-ingredient hack will let you run that load of dirty plates and cups when you’re out of dishwasher detergent. Put just a few drops of regular dish soap into the detergent slot and fill it the rest of the way with baking soda. It’s a natural gentle cleaning agent that can remove stuck-on food and help sanitize your dishes. Source Link

Doing more for others and enjoying time with friends may be a prescription for better aging. Research found that older people who participated in volunteer work and recreational activities were more likely to maintain excellent health and avoid serious physical, mental or emotional conditions that prevent daily activities. Source Link

If your child is struggling to keep up with schoolwork, there are some ways to help. Show them how to use a planner guide to work day-by-day to complete long-term projects. Provide a quiet study area away from phones, tablets or screens and enforce regular bedtimes with 30 minutes to unwind before sleep. Source Link

August 21, 2023

No one wants to sleep through a morning alarm and be late for work but there are some fixes for this. Create a morning routine with something you enjoy doing or wake up to natural light. Try an alarm app that makes you complete a task before it shuts off or put your phone or clock out of reach so you have to get out of bed to shut off the alarm. Source Link

How can you get all the value from all those dollars you’re paying for gas? Use apps that let you price-shop before you head out to fill up and maintain correct tire pressure for the best fuel economy. Remove roof racks when you don’t need them, avoid jackrabbit starts or fast braking and skip the premium gas unless your owner’s manual says it’s a must. Source Link

You don’t want to resist this kind of exercise that might help if you have trouble sleeping. A study found that lifting weights or using resistance bands was the best for helping people sleep better. The body’s process that builds muscle after a resistance workout may also trigger the brain to keep you asleep longer to get the job done. Source Link

August 18, 2023

When clutter is a constant problem, you can fight back by creating a refuge from all the refuse. Choose one spot like a kitchen counter, a dining room table, or a bathroom vanity to keep tidy and clear. Once this clutter-free zone takes hold, consider beautifying it with something like a small vase of flowers. Source Link

Starting with a list can help you make the right choice about giving your child that new tech gadget. Write down the pros and cons – are they tech savvy and will make good use of features that can be educational, or will the device be little more than a digital pacifier? Then set up parental controls and draw up a contract with rules for use including time limits. Source Link

You can fight back against high food prices by watching, clicking and stocking. Watch the sales and aim to buy most of your groceries when they are on sale. Click on coupon apps to use while you shop and start stocking-up on foods you regularly use, beginning with one item at a time. Source Link