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BusinessVoice News Network

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August 23, 2024

Follow these steps to check your internet speed and see if you’re getting what you’re paying for. Close down Zoom or any streaming audio or video websites or apps and stop any downloading. Run tests at different times of the day for an average and remember that home internet speeds are only guaranteed at the router because WiFi quality can vary widely. Source Link

You probably know the average body temperature as 98.6 degrees, but science says it’s changing. That standard dates back over 150 years and improved lifestyles since then have led to an average that’s now about 97.9 degrees. Average body temperature readings can vary depending on the time of day, and your age, medications and health conditions. Source Link

Keeping your family connected in a weather emergency or natural disaster takes some planning and a few simple tips. Enter key contacts into the phones of all your household members and have a point of contact outside of your family that everyone can reach. And in a public emergency, send a text rather than calling to have a better chance at connecting. Source Link

August 22, 2024

Where there’s a will, there’s a better way to protect your family and make sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to guardianship for children or how to give away your possessions. Review your will annually and after big life events like a divorce or when children become adults. And consider a living will that lists the care you do or don’t want if you become seriously ill. Source Link

Try this “handy” way to measure your fitness. Grip strength is important, so time yourself to see how long you can hang by your hands from a pull-up bar. Less than 30 seconds is beginner level but you can improve that by walking while carrying kettlebells or dumbbells. A good score is carrying 70 percent of your body weight for 90 seconds. Source Link

You can use stronger passwords by remembering these rules. Choose one with at least 12 characters in a mix of upper and lowercase letters and symbols. Never reuse a password and don’t change a password unless you have to, because frequent changes lead to simpler, easy-to-guess passwords. And use a password manager that can create and save passwords for you. Source Link

August 21, 2024

What’s in your ears can help you get better sleep. Meditation using a mobile app can help ease you into slumber and get you back to sleep if you wake up overnight. And research has shown that listening to sounds of nature can trigger a relaxation response in the brain to help you get to sleep. Source Link 

You can save time on laundry by knowing how often to wash parts of your wardrobe. Items that touch your skin like underwear, t-shirts and socks should go into the wash after every use. Sleepwear can go three to four nights between washings, and pants can be worn two or three times as long as there’s no dirt or stains. But wash those jeans as few times as possible because every washing damages the fabric. Source Link

Many people hold their phones the wrong way and that can put more strain on the hand. Keep the wrist straight or slightly bent and don’t use a tight grip that adds more stress. If you have a phone that’s big for your hand try using voice dictation instead of typing, or don’t hold the phone at all. Instead, prop it on a stand and place it near eye level. Source Link

August 20, 2024

Sometimes it’s what you don’t do that can make your workday more productive. For example, don’t load up that daily must-do list — keep it to five items. Don’t skip breaks that can help you stay on track mentally. And don’t be afraid to schedule downtime every day when you can think big without a deadline. Source Link

Your car budget can benefit from buying small and renting big. If you only need to haul items a few times a year, purchase a smaller car and rent a truck or minivan for those times when you need the extra cargo space. You’ll spend less on gas, insurance and car costs by driving a smaller vehicle day in and day out versus a big truck. Source Link

Here’s a time-saving tip that might just save a life. Have your basic personal health information available to paramedics as quickly as possible, including your name, blood type, allergies and any medications you take. This information can be on a piece of paper in your wallet and posted on the fridge in your home. Some smartphones also allow you to store health information for quick access by emergency crews. Source Link

August 19, 2024

Decluttering your home is as much about attitude as it is action. Do you keep something for fear of needing it later? You’ll have to find storage space, organize it and then remember where you put it, and organize that space again when it gets messy, and so on. Giving yourself permission to buy something again will help you get many unneeded things out of your home. Source Link

The cold hard fact is that hardly any of your laundry needs a warm or hot water wash. Use cold water because every cycle wears out clothing a little bit and warm temperatures accelerate the damage. And you can avoid a big load of laundry by using your eyes and nose. If there aren’t visible stains or a noticeable odor, most clothing can be worn again. Source Link

Using a store’s shopping app on your phone may be convenient but it ‘s often a back door for advertisers to get information about you. Many of the most popular apps share your personal data with third-party advertisers. The solution is to turn off permissions in those apps or make your purchase through the retailer’s website with a browser instead of using the app. Source Link

August 16, 2024

With the cost of airfare these days, who wouldn’t want a free ticket? Scammers are using email to entice you to give up personal information. The bogus offers include a so-called “refund” on a previous ticket or free round-trip tickets. They claim to be from an airline, but don’t click on any links. Instead, check your account from the airline’s website or app. Source Link

How you set up an air purifier in your home can determine how well it works. Get the right size for the area of the room and pick a firm, level and flat spot with 18 to 24 inches of space around it. Close doors and windows in the room for the best results and follow manufacturers recommendations for regular maintenance and cleaning. Source Link

Making a car last 200,000 miles or more isn’t hard if you stick to these care tips. Heed the owner’s manual and perform routine maintenance, including recommended oil changes. Keep the gas tank fuller to avoid sediment build-up and avoid jackrabbit starts and stops that are hard on the drive train. And find a good mechanic and stick with them to get the best service for the long haul. Source Link