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Survey Shows On Hold Marketing’s Strengths

By Scott Greggory

Torn Paper Bottom Edge

Are you considering On Hold Marketing for your organization?

If so, you may find these statistics helpful. They come from a survey of 1,555 people whose companies already use On Hold Marketing (OHM).

The survey was commissioned by the Experience Marketing Association (EMA) and conducted by Greystoke Insights in the spring of 2012.

The Three Key Findings

1) On Hold Marketing users report an extremely high level of satisfaction with the service.

2) OHM delivers clear marketing benefits.

3) It provides real opportunities to generate revenue.

A Few of the Important Numbers

  • 85% of current On Hold Marketing customers are very likely (60%) or somewhat likely (25%) to recommend OHM to others.
  • 85% of respondents consider On Hold Marketing to be “a useful marketing tool that adds value.”
  • 24% of companies using On Hold Marketing generated real sales value. If the average sale is worth $500, the annual revenue attributable to On Hold Marketing is $89,000.
  • On average, 57% of calls are put on hold.
  • 67% of callers are on hold between 15 seconds and 1 minute. Another 15% are on hold between 1 and 2 minutes.

Respondents ranked the benefits of On Hold Marketing in this order (from highest effectiveness to medium effectiveness):

1) Building image and professionalism

2) Providing value to callers on hold

3) Decreasing hang-ups

4) Increasing sales

For more details on the benefits of On Hold Marketing, contact Steve Evert at +1 419.724.7311.