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August 12, 2024

You can make your Amazon shopping easier with some simple tips. Save search time by creating wish lists for yourself for items you want but won’t buy right away. Use the Amazon Assistant web browser extension to find deals. If all else fails, search with the words, “Gifts for…” and include the recipient, like “mother, wife, husband” or anyone else. Source Link

When you’re trying to save something to memory, count to eight. Studies have shown that concentrating on something for eight seconds is the minimum amount of time it takes for a piece of information to go from your short-term memory to long-term memory. Taking time to concentrate can help you remember what’s important. Source Link

Can a downward dog help you get that high blood pressure down? Researchers found that people who added a 15-minute yoga session to aerobic exercise five days a week could drop their upper blood pressure number by as much as 10 points. Yoga was more effective than stretching exercises in reducing blood pressure. Source Link

August 9, 2024

How do you prioritize cleaning if you have just a few minutes to do it before guests arrive? Cut the visible clutter by putting things into a laundry basket that you can stash, fluff up couch pillows and quickly wipe down visible surfaces like a kitchen countertop, a bathroom vanity or mirrors. And give your place the scent of clean by lighting a lemon or orange-infused candle. Source Link

Asking Siri, Alexa or another voice assistant for quick directions on how to do CPR could have a deadly outcome. Testing found that nearly half of responses were unrelated to performing CPR, only one-third provided CPR instructions and only one in ten gave verbal directions. The best option is to call 9-1-1 and ask the emergency dispatcher for directions on how to do CPR. Source Link

Trying to earn rewards points or cash back by paying your rent using a credit card could be more expensive than you think. Putting your rent payment on plastic increases the risk of ballooning debt if you don’t pay the entire card balance each month and landlords can charge a service fee for using a card. And that rent payment may be late unless you allow time for the credit charge to clear before the due date. Source Link

August 8, 2024

Instead of dinner and a movie, that art class or game night may bring the two of you even closer. Couples activities like painting or playing a board game can spark the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with romantic bonding. Researchers say any activity with physical touch, social interaction, novelty and partner encouragement could also work. Source Link

There are some smart ways to get rid of items you don’t want or need. Keeping the tags on not-so-great clothes you got as a gift makes resale more profitable and go beyond eBay to specialty sites that can pay more. And if you keep things for fear of needing them later, use the “20-20” rule – don’t save it if you can buy it again in 20 minutes for less than $20. Source Link

You can help your child improve their reading skills with encouragement and the right approach. Make reading fun and engaging by choosing books that align with your child’s interests, including comics, graphic novels or magazines. Read aloud together and stick to a consistent routine with reading every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Source Link

August 7, 2024

Looking for a good exercise that won’t make you break a sweat? Studies have shown that Tai Chi may improve the fitness of the heart and lungs and could be as effective as jogging to help lower the risk of death. The slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi work on the sympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones that take a physical toll on our bodies. Source Link

Dentists have some simple do’s and dont’s for better oral hygiene. Don’t use charcoal as a whitener because it damages tooth enamel, but do brush gently by holding the toothbrush with your fingertips. Don’t drink soda, flavored coffee or sports drinks that are high in sugar and acids, but if you do, rinse your mouth with water afterwards to neutralize acids and remove sugar. Source Link

You can prevent delays during the security check on that next family flight by packing a “flagged” bag for carry-on. Put everything that might require a closer look into one bag to speed the process and avoid having anything left behind after multiple bag searches. This includes all electronics, snacks, medications, tools like nail clippers and all liquids in 3.4 ounce containers. Source Link

August 6, 2024

Arranging a funeral can be a time when costs take a back seat to emotions, but you have rights regarding what you’re charged. Federal law requires every funeral home to give you a General Price List with every item and service they offer and charges must be itemized. And don’t be rushed into arranging a funeral because there’s no set time for how long you can wait after someone dies. Source Link

Getting 10,000 steps a day is considered the gold standard for fitness but you can log a lot fewer and still lengthen your life. A study found that heart health starts to improve with as few as 2,300 steps a day and your risk of dying from any disease starts to decrease with only about 4,000 daily steps. But the more steps you take, the bigger the benefit. Source Link

The carpet in that new home probably needs to go if the former owner was a smoker. Researchers found that tobacco smoke clings to carpet fibers long after smoking has stopped, and ozone generators that purify air and surfaces can’t remove it completely. This so-called “third-hand smoke” can linger for years and sometimes transform into a new type of dangerous contaminant. Source Link

August 5, 2024

You might save yourself a call to the tech help desk with these easy fixes. Powering down a wireless mouse or keyboard that’s not working could solve a broken connection to your computer. You might speed up a slow computer by removing applications from Startup or getting rid of unnecessary browser extensions. And check to see if Caps Lock is on when that password you’re typing doesn’t match. Source Link

Get ready to be creeped out by what you’re carrying around on that smartphone. A study found that phones often have allergens, bacteria and fungi on the screens that we touch all day long. An alcohol wipe worked well to get rid of those bugs but cleaning your phone screen with a dry cloth didn’t make a dent in the dirt. Source Link

You may not need a special brain training program to improve your memory because a century-old game might work just as well. In a study, people who completed crossword puzzles scored better in memory testing than those who used special apps or programs. The process of completing a crossword puzzle exercises the part of the brain connected with memory. Source Link