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May 28, 2024

Improving a credit score can help you save on loans, auto insurance, or even rent and you can boost that number for free. Use a secured credit card linked to a savings account for everyday purchases and pay off the balance each month. And some credit bureaus let you report on-time payments of bills for utilities, cell phones or streaming services. Source Link 

You don’t need a five-figure home improvement budget because many upgrades can be done for $100 or less. Replace knobs and handles on kitchen drawers and cabinets or add solar lights to outdoor walkways or porches. Limewashing a fireplace can revive it without painting and wall-mounting a TV with hidden cabling makes a room look more open and cleaner. Source Link

You can fight back against higher electric bills by pinpointing energy vampires in your home. Set-top boxes, amplifiers and other audio-visual equipment can be unplugged when not in use and do the same with a TV in a spare room that’s not used often. Install timers or motion detecting switches on room lighting and insulate a fish tank to cut down on heater use. Source Link

May 24, 2024

Forget these food safety myths. You can’t tell if food is good by looking at it, and the “five-second rule” doesn’t protect you from microorganisms that can transfer to food immediately when you drop it. And food poisoning doesn’t always happen within hours because you can get sick from food you ate up to three days ago. Source Link

You’ve found the perfect pair of jeans and here’s how to make them last longer. Wash rarely. Instead, spot-treat any spills or stains when they happen. And when you launder those jeans, always use cold water and air dry by hanging them from the ankles indoors to avoid damage from the sun or heat from a dryer. Source Link

Walking can be good exercise, but you need to remember some basics. A good arm swing is key, but make sure you’re pumping forward and back, not side-to-side, and keep those elbows in. Have your shoulders back and head up and don’t make your stride too long, because that can lead to pulled muscles in your leg. Source Link 

May 23, 2024

Your kids can give back to the community and maybe help themselves, too. Researchers found that kids who volunteer are often thriving, physically and mentally. And if volunteering gets kids off their devices and into the world that promotes social engagement. The results might point to using volunteering as a public health measure. Source Link 

Here are some things to consider when you’re ready to hit “mute” on your social media habit. If the posts make you feel bad it’s time to get them out of your feed. Also cut back if your social media usage gets in the way of real life experiences, and ask yourself what else you could be doing instead of instinctively grabbing your phone to scroll that feed and pass the time. Source Link

Good eating habits can help a teenager avoid putting on extra pounds that may be with them for life. Start them with a healthy, well-balanced breakfast every day and keep unhealthy snacks out of the house by substituting fruits, vegetables, and small portions of nuts and seeds. Encourage activity as a family and be a role model yourself for healthy living for your kids. Source Link 

May 22, 2024

You can put a “halt” to overeating by spelling out that word every time you reach for food. Are you H for hungry, A for angry, L for lonely, or T for tired? Only hunger should lead you to eat, and using the HALT method may prevent overeating and help to teach you to be introspective and identify what you’re feeling before you eat. Source Link

Be sure to include these things when packing for that next trip. Dryer sheets can deodorize smelly shoes and a quick-dry towel gets the job done without staying damp. Pack some baby wipes to use when you’re grabbing those high-touch areas and bring a packable backpack for convenience and to hold essentials or extra souvenirs. Source Link

The solution for killing weeds without harsh chemicals may be in your kitchen pantry. Mix a gallon of white vinegar and a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap in an ordinary garden sprayer. This will kill weeds but be careful not to get it on grass. You can keep a spot weed-free for good by adding two cups of ordinary table salt that penetrates into the soil. Source Link

May 21, 2024

When you want a mortgage there’s a difference between pre-qualification and pre-approval. With pre-qualification, you ask the lender to look at your credit report to decide if you’re a good candidate. With pre-approval, lenders will want more information like pay stubs, W-2 forms, income tax returns and checking or savings bank statements. Source Link

It’s like Airbnb but for a stay at a National Park and more. Recreation.gov lets you make reservations for campsites and lodges that are managed by over a dozen federal agencies. The website and smartphone app lets you search across the country and nearby. You can also reserve tickets for events and programs. Source Link

Scammers have joined the flood of calls, emails and texts that try to solicit political contributions from you. To avoid being ripped off, verify them through an official website or phone number, never use an unfamiliar platform to donate and hang up on any high-pressure tactics. You can also use a watchdog site like Charity Navigator or GiveWell for reviews of organizations that ask for donations. Source Link

May 20, 2024

Baby wipes are great for more than cleaning those little bottoms. A baby wipe does wonders on a dirty keyboard or light switch plate, leather furniture, latex paint on your hands, a whiteboard, or your car’s interior. A baby wipe can also remove your makeup gently and clean makeup stains from clothing. Source Link 

Here are some of the warning signs that you can’t afford your home mortgage. You aren’t able to save money for retirement, travel, education, or a rainy day fund. You might have high credit card bills to cover purchases that don’t fit into a too-tight budget. Or you’re deferring necessary home maintenance because the money isn’t there to pay for it. Source Link

People who are battling high blood sugar may have another weapon. Researchers found that meditation, yoga and mindfulness exercises to deal with daily stress have also helped those with type-2 diabetes lower their average blood sugar levels. The improvement could be as much as some people see by using medications. Source Link