December 5, 2024
There’s a kitchen gadget that’s a time and money saver and is good for your health. A vacuum sealer inhibits bacteria growth and can keep foods fresh longer. You can also use a vacuum sealer to prepare your own meal kits by combining seasonings with individual portions of an entree that can go from the freezer to the oven or grill. Source Link
Three simple ingredients along with water can make your own cleaning solutions to tackle most household chores. Mix one part white vinegar with one part water and a lemon rind for an all-purpose cleaner, or white vinegar, water and rubbing alcohol for a DIY glass cleaner. And baking soda and water mixed into a paste can be an effective scrubbing cleaner. Source Link
A high-protein breakfast that includes this can fill you up faster and longer and may even guard against type-2 diabetes. Testing showed that eating yogurt as part of a protein-rich, dairy-based breakfast also boosted focus in the morning compared to a carb-heavy breakfast or none at all. Source Link