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BusinessVoice News Network

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March 9, 2023

If you need to lose weight, you can help everyone when you make it a family affair. Studies show that when overweight parents shed pounds, so do their overweight kids. Even if others don’t need to lose weight, the habits formed with healthy eating as a family can make that a lifestyle instead of a temporary dieting choice. Source Link

It’s happened to all of us – you settle in to watch that movie on TV and before you know it you’ve dozed off. To prevent this, don’t drink alcohol during your movie night and eat a lighter meal beforehand or when snacking during the show. Don’t get too cozy on that plush couch and never do your movie viewing in bed, because your mind knows that’s the place for sleep. Source Link 

There are some telltale signs that you may be the target of a scam artist. If someone claiming to be a retailer calls to question about a large order you didn’t make, or says they can connect you directly with your bank, or wants to stay on the line while you go to the bank, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. They may also ask you to buy gift cards to send to them or pretend they are police investigators. Source Link 

March 8, 2023

To finish your next airline flight in good health, try booking a window seat in the middle of the plane. That’s the safest place to sit because you’re away from the aisle and restrooms where you can encounter sick people. But don’t worry about the guy coughing five rows up because that’s too far away for you to get infected. Source Link

Bite-sized exercise might be the easiest way to get moving throughout the day. Researchers found that five minutes of walking every 30 minutes helped counteract the health risks from sitting on the job. Beyond improving physical health, regular walks to break up sitting can put you in a better mood and help you feel more energized. Source Link

You hear a lot about having strong passwords, but what about the usernames you pick for online accounts? You want a username that isn’t easy to link to you, so avoid any combination or clever spelling of your first and last name or the city or state where you live and don’t use your birth year. And be sure the username doesn’t hint at your password. Source Link

March 7, 2023

When the bad news of the world has you stressed, there’s a good news solution — help others. Making a donation or volunteering your time can ease feelings of helplessness from the weight of the world’s problems. You can also seek social support by joining a club or a group to do something you enjoy. Source Link

The DASH diet is top-rated for heart health and lowering blood pressure, but what’s in this plan? A typical person eating 2,000 calories a day would need 6 to 8 daily servings of grains, 4 to 5 servings of vegetables, 4 to 5 servings of fruits, 2 to 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy, plus 2 to 3 servings of fats and oils. Sweets are limited to one serving a day. Source Link

Your hand will thank you if you break this habit when holding your phone. Balancing the phone with your pinkie on the back can cause painful compression of a nerve that runs from your armpit to your elbow and into your hand. Avoid that bad balancing act by using a pop-out holder and take breaks from scrolling to rest the muscles in your fingers. Source Link

March 6, 2023

Some simple things when done in bed can make it harder for you to sleep. Reading, writing or doing puzzles teaches your mind to associate the bed with activity and lying in bed trying to force yourself to sleep makes your brain think that’s normal. And plan afternoon activities to avoid taking a nap that could leave you awake at night. Source Link

Finding the perfect roommate takes some extra steps to ensure it’s someone you can really live with. Compare your styles – do you like quiet time at home or having lots of friends visiting? Get details in writing about sharing household costs and chores and consider a test run by sharing a vacation rental. Source Link 

A summertime favorite could be a healthy food choice all year long. Watermelons are full of nutrients and compounds that can help control blood pressure and blood sugar levels and promote better heart health. Eating watermelon may also improve brain health and make it easier to control your weight. Source Link

March 3, 2023

That old cell phone or unused tablet can help make your home safer. Turn it into a security camera with an app that records when something moves and stores images on the device or in the cloud. Set up outdoor motion lights that can catch a prowler in the act, and stop hiding keys under a rock by using a smart deadbolt that has a keypad or a phone app to unlock your door. Source Link

Having a seat in the dentist’s chair could uncover more than problems with your smile. Nearly 100 diseases can show symptoms in the mouth, like severe gum disease that could be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes. Dentists who perform a blood pressure check can also find warning signs of hypertension that can lead to heart disease or stroke. Source Link 

There are some simple ways to get your child to take medicine. Give them choices, like taking a liquid dose in a dropper or a cup, or choosing water or juice to wash down a pill. Be consistent with medicine times and explain simply how the medicine helps them. And don’t hide medicine in food because if your child discovers this, it could lead to eating problems. Source Link

March 2, 2023

The best way to chart the progress of your healthy eating plan may not be that bathroom scale. Use a tape measure to find your waist size or try on a tight pair of pants every two weeks to know if you’re dropping pounds. If you use the scale, make it a weekly weigh-in on Friday morning because most people eat more on the weekend. Source Link

Your WiFi router is the fast lane to information on all your home devices and you can keep them safe with a few simple steps. Change the default router credentials and create a strong WiFi password, turn on firewall and WiFi encryption, and create a guest network to protect your devices when others log on. And put your router in a central location further away from drive-by hackers. Source Link 

There are many things that offer quality and a better price when bought used. Jewelry, musical instruments, office furniture and bicycles can be fine when they’re used. And fitness equipment, computers and laptops, and clothes for special occasions are also great second-hand choices. Source Link