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July 17, 2023

A smartphone can help you form better tech habits. Screen Time features will show you what’s occupying your time on your phone and distraction blocker apps can keep you on-track for work. And use a calendar app with natural language processing to make adding and updating appointments faster and easier. Source Link 

Believe it or not, eating a cookie might help improve your child’s dental health. Have them eat an Oreo cookie and then brush their teeth. If you can still see bits of cookie after they’re done, you need to be checking and helping them brush better. You should also give your kids healthy snacks, use fluoride toothpaste and have them drink lots of water. Source Link

It’s one step that could save you from skin cancer. A full-body exam to look at all of your bumps, moles and birthmarks is the best way to find out which are benign and which might put you at-risk for skin cancer. But this isn’t a DIY job, so make an appointment with a dermatologist for a full-body exam. Source Link

July 14, 2023

Stop and ask yourself a few questions before you share health stories on social media. Is the source trustworthy, like a major medical center or national organization? Is it a personal story that may not reflect the big picture, or does it make you feel emotional? If it does, try waiting to post because the impulse to share it might pass. Source Link 

Streaming TV subscription fees add up fast and you can save money with a little planning. Make a calendar note for when a trial subscription ends to avoid paying for an extra month, and bundle or get an annual subscription for services you know you want to keep. And if there isn’t a show you’re watching now on that service, cancel and re-subscribe later. Source Link

There’s a good chance you have a free hotspot or free public WiFi available nearby now, but how do you find it? Apps like Instabridge or WiFi Map will show you where to find a free hook-up that’s near you, and many public libraries offer free WiFi. Consider using a VPN with any free internet connection to safeguard any personal data during the session. Source Link

July 13, 2023

It’s a natural choice that’s rich in vitamins but there’s an unhealthy side to that daily glass of fruit juice. The habit could be adding to your weight because fruit juice has as much sugar as sweetened soda. You can get the same nutritional benefits by eating one serving of whole fruit instead of drinking a glass of juice. Source Link 

The key to effective studying isn’t cramming by reading notes or a textbook over and over. Instead, read once and then quiz yourself using questions at the back of a book or with flashcards that you create. Drawing the information in visual form can also help with retention, and give your brain time to absorb information by spacing out study sessions over a few days. Source Link 

Sunglasses are for more than stopping you from squinting in bright daylight. They protect against harmful UV rays that can damage your eyes and lead to conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts. And don’t wear dark sunglasses without UV protection, because that dark tint forces the pupil to open wider and let in more light and more UV rays. Source Link 

July 12, 2023

Here’s how you might be able to take that airline flight without someone sitting next to you. When flying solo choose an aisle or window seat in the back of the plane because that’s where middle seats are often left empty. When traveling as a couple you should pick the window and aisle seats to increase your odds of having an empty seat between you. Source Link

“Fridge or pantry?” is a question for many kitchen condiments. Open containers of mustard, ketchup and hot sauce are safe when kept in the pantry, but manufacturers say refrigeration maintains the best product quality after opening. Peanut butter also doesn’t need to go in the fridge but you could triple the life of natural peanut butter with cold storage. Source Link

Good eating habits can help a teenager avoid putting on extra pounds that may be with them for life. Start them with a healthy, well-balanced breakfast every day and keep unhealthy snacks out of the house by substituting fruits, vegetables, and small portions of nuts and seeds. Encourage activity as a family and be a role model yourself for healthy living for your kids. Source Link

July 11, 2023

Sleeping in a bedroom that isn’t black as night could be making you blue. Researchers found a strong association between even low-level nighttime light exposure and depressive symptoms. Seeing any light at night might throw off the body’s internal clock and change hormonal functions in the brain and that could lead to psychological problems. Source Link

When you’re wondering if your child has an unhealthy relationship with social media, ask these questions. Do they do anything significant each day besides going to school or spending time on screens, and how many hours a day do they use social media? Also ask yourself, does your child have a very hard time stopping, and does social media interfere with their sleep, homework or general daily functions. Source Link

You can put a “halt” to overeating by spelling out that word every time you reach for food. Are you H for hungry, A for angry, L for lonely, or T for tired? Only hunger should lead you to eat, and using the HALT method may prevent overeating and help to teach you to be introspective and identify what you’re feeling before you eat. Source Link 

July 10, 2023

Online grocery shopping may be more convenient, but there’s a way it’s not so healthy. Many grocery websites don’t make it easy to see nutritional information for products. The surge in online grocery buying got ahead of any government rules about displaying nutritional information on a website or an app. Source Link

If push comes to shove, what’s your financial survival number? Find it by totaling the cost of rent or mortgage and utilities, groceries, dining out, transportation, household costs, clothing, health care and entertainment. Then take everything that isn’t a fixed cost and cut it down to the bare minimum. Source Link

You’ve tried banging on the lid to open that stubborn jar and it’s not working, but there are other techniques that might open things up. Holding a dish towel or wearing rubber gloves while you open the jar can give you more gripping power and sometimes you can loosen the lid by slapping the base of the jar with an open palm. Source Link