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BusinessVoice News Network

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January 31, 2024

Boosting your immune system to avoid colds and the flu can literally be a walk in the park. Testing showed that 30 minutes of brisk walking or other moderate intensity exercises increased the circulation of natural killer cells, white blood cells and other parts of the immune system. But you need to commit to exercise every day to get the maximum benefits. Source Link

You can lower an auto insurance bill by dropping some coverage, looking for more discounts or agreeing to let your insurer monitor you behind the wheel. See if the value of your older car is worth carrying collision and comprehensive coverage and look for all the discounts that are offered. You could also sign up for user-based insurance that tracks your driving in real time. Source Link

There are several ways that you can save for your child’s college education. A traditional savings account can be opened by you for your child, and a high-yield savings account will compound your interest earnings faster. Or consider a state-sponsored 529 savings program that gives you tax-free withdrawals for college education expenses. Source Link

January 30, 2024

A credit freeze to stop identity thieves is a good idea for everyone in your family, including the kids because their names could also be used to open bogus accounts. All three major credit bureaus allow a parent to request a credit freeze for a child. You’ll need to mail a copy of their birth certificate and Social Security card to set it up. Source Link

Exercising to help control high blood pressure doesn’t have to mean becoming a jogger or joining a gym. You can get the recommended 30 minutes a day, five days a week of exercise using your own body weight and never need to leave home. You can even break up that daily goal into several smaller periods of exercise and taking a few short walks is a great way to start. Source Link

Hardly anyone reads all of a privacy policy for software, an app or a website, but you can zero-in on important topics with a simple keyboard search. Use the Control F function to look for words like, “sell,” “partners” and “affiliates,” or “geolocation” and “geotargeting” for tracking your location. And read sections with headings like “How we use your personal information.” Source Link

January 29, 2024

There are many reasons why you should keep your home WiFi network secured with a strong password. Freeloaders could slow down your streaming, send you over a data cap or even use your WiFi for illegal activity that’s blamed on you. If you need help changing the password, consult the owner’s manual for your WiFi router or contact customer service for a cable modem. Source Link

Inflation might make it cheaper to dine out than cook that meal at home. Restaurants can buy food products wholesale and lock in lower prices through long-term contracts and that means less inflationary pressure on menu prices. Inflation at the grocery store is running about 50 percent higher than the increased cost of eating away from home. Source Link

Lip and tongue piercings may do more than change the look of your mouth. Researchers found that many people with oral piercings had deep pockets and gaps around their teeth and receding and bleeding gums. About 5 percent of young people have oral piercings and four out of five of them are women. Source Link

January 26, 2024

How you lay when you sleep could have an impact on your health. Side sleeping is considered the best because you’ll reduce the risk of snoring or sleep apnea when sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your left side can help prevent stomach acid from moving up when you lie down, and sleeping on your right side may improve heart function for those with heart disease. Source Link

Many people are hard-wired to avoid idleness, but you can train yourself to do nothing. Start small and sit quietly for five minutes in a peaceful place with a view of something pleasant. Add five minutes to this routine until you can sit quietly for 20 minutes each day. And remember to turn off your phone and tablet or anything else that can send an alert. Source Link

All food scraps don’t have to go down the garbage disposal or into the trash. Soak orange peels in a jar filled with white vinegar for two weeks to make a citrus cleaning spray. Do the same with cucumber peels soaked in water for five days to make your own cucumber water that’s great for feeding your plants. Source Link

January 25, 2024

When should small children go without a coat in winter? When they’re in a car seat. Puffy coats or snowsuits can flatten on impact during an accident and loosen car seat straps so your child slips out. Dress children in layers and use a blanket or coat over the seat after they’re safely strapped in. Source Link

A cancer patient undergoing treatment will appreciate a care package that’s stocked with these thoughtful items. Chapstick to soothe dry and irritated lips, fuzzy socks or slippers, hand sanitizer, a neck pillow or heating pad, a lap blanket and hard candy or gum are all welcome. And include something sentimental like a framed photo of family or friends. Source Link

You want to make more money, but should you ask for a raise or look for a better-paying job? Changing jobs means learning a new routine and job hopping every few years can look bad on a resume. If you’re asking for a raise, have a specific number and a minimum or maximum salary range in mind and consider whether you’ll compromise or walk away if the answer is “no.” Source Link

January 24, 2024

How can a kitchen timer help you keep your home cleaner? If you avoid chores, set a kitchen timer to find out just how long it takes to wash a few dishes or pick up some clothes. Seeing how little time it takes to do a chore can encourage you to do those things right away and not let them pile up into a big job. Source Link

Multitasking leads to overstimulation that can cause physical and mental stress, but you can take steps to avoid it. First, try to remove yourself from situations where this happens, and practice mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Also be sure to eat well and get good sleep, along with more movement and a dose of sunshine every day. Source Link

Refurbished tech products can give you the same quality at a lower price when you do your homework before you buy. Shop at an official store for that brand and look for at least a 90-day warranty. Open box returns or “like new” items are usually a safe bet and touchscreen models can be more reliable because they have fewer mechanical parts that can break. Source Link