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IVR: Interactive Voice Response and The Human Touch

By Scott Greggory

Torn Paper Bottom Edge

Are you considering adding Interactive Voice Response (IVR) capabilities to your call center or business telephone system? Or maybe you’re already using IVR technology, but you’ve not enjoyed the results you were hoping for.

The term Interactive Voice Response pretty much defines what the system does. Employing pre-recorded greetings, questions and responses, IVR software uses the human voice of your choice to “interact” with your callers, guiding them through tasks, providing answers they may need and allowing them to self-navigate to live operators and other options.

An IVR system can provide many benefits, including:

  • An improved caller experience
  • A simplified customer service process
  • Increased company efficiency
  • A more professional telephone environment
  • Reduced operational costs

But as beneficial as Interactive Voice Response technology can be, it still requires a human touch to maximize its effectiveness and deliver a caller experience that reflects your brand standards.

Primarily, that means your IVR recordings must provide the prompts and information that are important to your callers as clearly and concisely as possible.

Wordy, confusing IVR recordings that don’t “feel human” can lead to high rates of caller abandonment and disillusionment with your brand.

Even when your IVR recordings are written and recorded well, they need to change as your company’s offerings grow, as your brand advances, even as language, culture and your callers’ expectations of a telephone experience evolve.

That’s where we can help.

In addition to creating On Hold Marketing content, we develop scripting and recordings for IVR systems.

When you’re ready to talk about your total telephone experience or any individual aspect of it, email Steve Evert or call him directly at +1 419.724.7311.