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Award Show Judges Praise Our Humor On Hold

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If you agree that making the most of each contact you have with customers is important, then you can’t ignore the caller experience.

And to turn the negative of holding into a positive, you need people who see the opportunity in On Hold Marketing and then leverage it for your benefit.

That’s why you might like to know about the compliments we received at the 2019 MARCE Awards, a competition that celebrates the best On Hold Marketing in the world.

This year’s MARCE Awards judges panel consisted of three former owners of On Hold Marketing agencies – our one-time competitors. They offered lots of great comments about our work and how effective they found it to be.

In addition to the quotes above, here are a few of the other thoughts they wrote on their judging forms.

  • “This is an excellent production. Funnier than all the others I reviewed.”
  • “Callers obviously listen to the messages to hear the punchline of each joke, engaging them during the hold time.”
  • “The announcers do a good job being light-hearted, portraying the company as fun to do business with.”
  • “Great casual male voice. Very conversational and entertaining. Love the humor. Love the music.”
  • “Excellent and funny. I like the sound effects. Love the multiple voiceovers.”
  • “I like how you changed up the pace of the music. Energy levels changed throughout. I liked that aspect of the production.”