Caller experience audits can identify problems before they lead to lost customers.

Caller Experience Auditing

For many companies, the caller experience (CX) they provide is like their building’s foundation: out of sight and out of mind.

But just as a weak foundation can lead to a devastating collapse, a weak caller experience brings its own trouble: lost customers, unrealized revenue and brand damage.

There are three elements that determine the quality of your caller experience:

  • Your automated attendant / IVR and caller journey
  • Your In-Queue and On Hold Marketing
  • How your staff interacts with callers

Too often, a company’s branding and marketing team isn’t involved with the development of those elements. Or the brand evolves and customer expectations change, but no one from the company notices that the CX is outdated. That’s why regular audits are so important.

What’s Included

Your BusinessVoice Caller Experience Audit will include the following:

A review of your phone system’s automated elements

  • Is your organization following best practices?
  • Is your copy in-line with brand guidelines across all automated content?

A performance assessment of your CSRs

  • How do they perform during live calls replicating common call scenarios?

Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to improve CSR performance

An analysis of your competitors’ CX

Your CX Audit will include numerical scores for multiple CX categories. Those scores allow us to 1) establish your baseline and 2) easily gauge your improvement in future audits.

The CX you provide serves as an indicator to potential customers and has the opportunity to be a key differentiator for your organization. Callers know that even just one frustrating phone encounter may mean potential trouble down the road. A weak caller experience suggests that something is wrong with your company, whether it’s the management team, your hiring or training practices, your commitment to good service or your attention to detail.

Torn Paper Bottom Edge

Don’t lose customers to problems that can be fixed.
For details on our Caller Experience Audit services, email us or call 1.800.473.9005

CX Monitoring

Using CX Audits to identify opportunities for improvement is only the first step. It’s regular CX Monitoring that leads to verifiable progress.

By recording and analyzing calls, we can point to areas of growth, as well as those elements that still need work.

Your CX Monitoring will include the following:

  • Monthly measurement of established qualitative KPIs
  • Reports on individual CSRs and the team as a whole
  • Coaching to help your trainers improve individual and team performance

Ongoing Caller Experience Monitoring from BusinessVoice will help your team stay focused on delivering outstanding customer experiences. That’s one of the ways you can protect your company from aggressive and low-price competitors.