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BusinessVoice News Network

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February 16, 2023

Here’s what you shouldn’t be doing when you create a password. Skip the pet’s names, sports teams, places you’ve lived and birth dates and don’t bother adding a “1” or an exclamation point to the end because those are easy for hackers to beat. A strong and long password would use the first letter of each word in a sentence and vary them between lower case and upper case. Source Link

Resistance training can be an important part of any weight loss plan. It lowers the percentage of body fat in healthy adults and builds muscle that burns more than twice as many calories as fat does. Weightlifting also speeds up metabolism, improves testosterone levels for men and boosts bone density in women. Source Link

More screen time for kids at age 2 can mean more problems with communication and daily living skills by age 4. That’s from researchers who say the wild card is more outdoor play time. Youngsters who spent more time playing outdoors improved their daily living skills but it didn’t alter the negative effects of screen time on communication skills. Source Link

February 15, 2023

Household dangers for pets go beyond that leftover chocolate bar and some kinds of flowers. Experts say a tiny Lego piece can also look like a treat to your dog but will be big trouble if he eats it. And be sure you don’t have any twist ties, rubber bands, cotton swabs or dental floss laying on the floor. Source Link

Is it a bad habit or a secret to better comprehension? Doodling can keep your mind active when you’re listening to something that’s boring. In a study, people who doodled while hearing a boring phone message remembered 29 percent more than those who sat still and listened. Source Link

You can cut clutter by identifying things you don’t use and there’s an easy way to do that with a roll of masking tape. Put a piece of tape on each item and take it off the next time you use it. After six months, anything that still has tape on it probably can be sold, donated or recycled. Source Link

February 14, 2023

There are ways to stay safe when you’re exercising outdoors in winter. Let temperature and road conditions set your pace and try running at mid-day when it’s warmest. Use a heart rate monitor to watch for any cardiac stress and warm-up indoors before going out for a run. Source Link 

Giving a child an allowance can be the foundation for a lifetime of smart money management. Having their own money forces kids to think about how to spend it and learn the difference between needs and wants. And using an allowance for savings, donations and spending can teach self-reliance in kids. Source Link

You should think twice before scanning a QR code with your phone. Scammers are using fake QR codes for rip-offs that range from bogus parking meter payments to fake online portals for bill payments and even romance scams. Always confirm that a QR code is legitimate before scanning it and avoid any that come in an email you weren’t expecting. Source Link

February 13, 2023

If the fingerprint reader on your smartphone is a bit finicky, try this tip to improve performance. Most phones allow you to register more than one finger and you can use that to scan the same finger more than once. Having multiple scans of the same fingerprint can improve the performance of the sensor. Source Link

How can something that goes into the recycling bin help you save money on your water bill? If your home has older-style toilets with a full flush rather than low-flow, fill an empty gallon-sized milk jug with water and place it in the toilet tank. This will reduce the amount of water needed for each flush and cut your utility costs. Source Link

It’s one step that could save you from skin cancer. A full-body exam to look at all of your bumps, moles and birthmarks is the best way to find out which are benign and which might put you at-risk for skin cancer. But this isn’t a DIY job, so make an appointment with a dermatologist for the exam. Source Link

February 10, 2023

Here’s how to create the only password you’ll ever need to remember. Write down four words – a color, a name but not yours, a place and a day of the week. Add some capital letters and one number and a special character. Practice remembering it once a day and make this your master password for a manager app that creates unique passwords for every account. Source Link

Finding the right financial planner starts with determining what help you need. Is it specific to one area, like taxes, investments or retirement planning, or every aspect of your finances? Then interview them to ask about their typical client, their approach to helping clients, what technology they use, and how they earn money from the services they provide. Source Link

Cleaning up after your dog does their business can be easier with these tips. Save those fast food cardboard French fry boxes because they make great disposable poop scoopers when you walk the dog. Or spread non-toxic squirrel repellent on the parts of your yard that you don’t want your dog to use as a bathroom. Source Link 

February 9, 2023

Who says the tools to improve your health have to carry a price tag? Meditating to reduce stress and improve sleep doesn’t cost anything, and you’ll find plenty of free workout videos on YouTube. You can improve your mental health with a pen and paper by journaling and drinking free tap water instead of soda is more healthy and will save you money. Source Link 

Living like it’s the old days before we had cell phones might be a good way to deal with today’s distractions. Smartphones can interrupt you with constant notifications, so turn those off whenever possible. While you’re at it, put away that phone for occasional breaks throughout the day because just the sight of it can raise anxiety and prompt you to pick it up. Source Link

To sleep or not to sleep – that’s the question on an airline flight. An overnight red-eye is a good time to sleep and watching a movie or listening to music can sometimes help you doze off. If you can sleep when you arrive, bring some work on the flight to occupy your brain. Either way, pack some good earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to reduce distractions. Source Link