February 16, 2023
Here’s what you shouldn’t be doing when you create a password. Skip the pet’s names, sports teams, places you’ve lived and birth dates and don’t bother adding a “1” or an exclamation point to the end because those are easy for hackers to beat. A strong and long password would use the first letter of each word in a sentence and vary them between lower case and upper case. Source Link
Resistance training can be an important part of any weight loss plan. It lowers the percentage of body fat in healthy adults and builds muscle that burns more than twice as many calories as fat does. Weightlifting also speeds up metabolism, improves testosterone levels for men and boosts bone density in women. Source Link
More screen time for kids at age 2 can mean more problems with communication and daily living skills by age 4. That’s from researchers who say the wild card is more outdoor play time. Youngsters who spent more time playing outdoors improved their daily living skills but it didn’t alter the negative effects of screen time on communication skills. Source Link