March 6, 2023
Some simple things when done in bed can make it harder for you to sleep. Reading, writing or doing puzzles teaches your mind to associate the bed with activity and lying in bed trying to force yourself to sleep makes your brain think that’s normal. And plan afternoon activities to avoid taking a nap that could leave you awake at night. Source Link
Finding the perfect roommate takes some extra steps to ensure it’s someone you can really live with. Compare your styles – do you like quiet time at home or having lots of friends visiting? Get details in writing about sharing household costs and chores and consider a test run by sharing a vacation rental. Source Link
A summertime favorite could be a healthy food choice all year long. Watermelons are full of nutrients and compounds that can help control blood pressure and blood sugar levels and promote better heart health. Eating watermelon may also improve brain health and make it easier to control your weight. Source Link