March 30, 2023
If you want to be an organ donor you need to get it in writing. Surveys show that 95 percent of people would like to be an organ donor but only about half take steps to make their wishes known. The supply of donor hearts continues to lag behind the need and most transplant recipients wait up to two years for a new heart. Source Link
Some of the things that power and light your world need a special send-off. Don’t throw a curly CFL light bulb into the trash because the mercury in it is hazardous. Instead, take it to a store like Lowe’s, Home Depot or Ikea for free disposal. And do the same with batteries that could spark a fire if tossed into your garbage. Source Link
Your dentist wants you to know a few things to help keep your mouth healthy. Your gums should not regularly bleed while flossing, and skip charcoal toothpastes that won’t whiten your teeth but could make them more sensitive to hot and cold. And don’t self-medicate with alcohol or drugs if you’re nervous about an appointment because the dentist can provide what you need for a pain-free visit. Source Link