April 17, 2023
You’ve probably had some scratches on your eyeglass lenses and there’s a DIY way to fix that. Rinse the glasses in warm water and dry with a clean microfiber cloth and then mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with water to make a paste that you gently rub onto the lenses with another clean cloth. Then use a third clean microfiber cloth to wipe down the lenses. Source Link
We know there are many health benefits for a baby that’s breastfed but the mother might also get a brain boost from it. A study revealed that breastfeeding may reduce the risk of cognitive decline for women in later life. Women who’d breastfed a child scored higher on cognitive tests at age 50 and might be better protected against mental decline and dementia later in life. Source Link
Lining a hat with tin foil may not be the best look but doing the same thing with a car key might thwart a thief. A keyless fob wrapped in foil can’t be used by a nearby hacker to unlock a car when the vehicle is parked outside. Alternatives include storing key fobs in a special pouch or box that blocks radio signals or keeping your key in a microwave oven that’s not running. Source Link