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June 13, 2024

Serving your dog raw food can be risky for them and for you. High levels of harmful bacteria in raw food can be a health risk for dogs and people, especially the elderly, the young and those with weakened immune systems. Unlike commercial dog foods, raw meat products are not heat-treated or freeze-dried to kill bacteria like e Coli or salmonella. Source Link

Before you keep something “just in case” you might need it someday, this decluttering trick might save you some space. If the item can be replaced for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes you can probably get rid of it, freeing up more space for storing the things you really need to keep. Source Link

You can probably save money on multivitamins and other supplements by doing one thing. Eating a balanced daily diet including fruits and vegetables can provide all the nutrients a person typically needs. Among the exceptions are pregnant women who need folic acid, seniors with osteoporosis who need more calcium or vegans who need a multivitamin to supplement nutrients they aren’t absorbing in their diet. Source Link

June 12, 2024

If you give an allowance to your kids it’s important to be consistent about the rules you set for how they spend that money and the amounts you give. But avoid the urge to link an allowance to chores unless you plan to negotiate each time you want your child to clean their room or empty the dishwasher. Source Link

Just how long do eggs last in the fridge? In the shell, eggs can be good for three to five weeks after you buy them when stored on a shelf and not in the door. You can store raw egg whites in an airtight container for up to four days and raw yolks for up to two days, but yolks can also be blended, frozen in an ice cube tray and stored for up to a year. Source Link

You can have a better start to your day in the office with a simple cleaning task. Take a few minutes to organize your workspace and desktop. Studies have shown that clutter makes it difficult to focus and is a predictor of procrastination. You can do this cleanup at the beginning of the day or the end to have a clean start in the morning. Source Link

June 11, 2024

When it comes to the most effective way to argue with your spouse or significant other, the eyes have it. Looking eye-to-eye provides the visual cues that add context to what you’re hearing and help avoid misunderstanding what’s being said. It’s only after you each get better at communicating in-person that you should consider a debate that’s done by text. Source Link 

Try these clever hacks to help your groceries last longer. A bit of plastic wrap around the stem can keep bananas fresh and storing whole mushrooms in a paper bag extends their shelf life. A drizzle of lemon juice will help preserve half an avocado and trimming the greens from carrots will help to keep them from drying out. Source Link

Email etiquette includes some basics that help you and the recipient. Make sure your subject line clearly describes the topic and use :cc and :bcc for those who need the information but don’t have to participate in the discussion. Close with an expression of gratitude like “Thanks” or “Thanks in Advance” and don’t expect a speedy reply like you might get with text messaging. Source Link

June 10, 2024

It may be easier to get older adults to use sunscreen by focusing on avoiding short-term pain versus the long-term risk of skin cancer. In one study, concern about getting a sunburn was a bigger motivator to use sunscreen and a reminder from their partner also helped. And older adults may prefer a spray-on sunscreen that’s easier to apply. Source Link

Scammers are out to spoil some special connections in your summer travel plans. Think twice before hooking-up to free airport WiFi because some networks with familiar names could be powered by a hacker’s hot spot. There are other ways to steal your data so don’t charge your phone with a USB cord that’s not yours. And use a charger that plugs directly into a power outlet and not into a USB charging port. Source Link

How can you beat the ever-rising price of a first-class postage stamp? You can stock up now because Forever stamps you buy today can be used in the future regardless of price hikes. Just don’t look for a deal online because there’s no legitimate way to sell postage stamps at a deep discount. Those offers are likely from scammers who want to steal your credit card information. Source Link

June 7, 2024

Here’s why a dishwasher can give everything a better cleaning than doing dishes by hand. Most dishwashers can boost the temperature of tap water up to 145 degrees to kill bacteria and germs. If you do dishes by hand and want to sanitize them after washing, soak for 10 minutes in one gallon of hot water with one tablespoon of chlorine bleach. Source Link

You can find your best camera angle for a selfie with some test snaps. Look into your phone and take a picture with the camera directly in front of your face, then above it and below it. Now turn your face to the right and use the same head-on, upper and lower angles, and then do the same facing left. Review these nine pictures to find your best angle. Source Link

Some staples found in many medicine chests or kitchen pantries can help you clean your carpet. Spray a spot with shaving cream and let it sit for 30 minutes to remove many common stains. Sprinkling a box of baking soda before vacuuming can freshen a carpet, and a spray mix of warm water and peppermint essential oil or extract can tackle stubborn pet odors. Source Link

June 6, 2024

What food is high in protein and fiber and loaded with good fats? Nuts are a natural hunger-buster as a handy snack. Just watch the portion and limit yourself to about 10 or 12 peanuts, walnuts or pistachios and you’ll stay around 100 calories. Source Link

Taking a breath before you dive into a task can pay big dividends. A study found that people who practiced relaxation breathing improved decision-making performance and experienced less stress. Repeat a 5-2-7 pattern with a five-second inhale, holding that breath for two seconds and then exhaling for seven seconds. Source Link

There’s a feature in Google Maps that can help you see the future, sort of. “Immersive View” covers some 500 landmarks around the world and uses AI to create an image that lets you fast forward up to five days to show what the scene might look like, including things like upcoming weather and typical traffic. Source Link