December 11, 2023
If your wallet is bursting at the seams from too much stuff, take these things out right now. Spare keys, a social security or Medicare card, birth certificate, passport card, a blank check, old receipts and that password cheat sheet all need to go. And carry one credit card to use and a backup instead of a wallet full of plastic. Source Link
What does it mean to have your home fully insured? Most policies include a dollar amount for repair or replacement costs but there are some big exceptions. You’ll probably need a separate policy for flood insurance and expensive items require an add-on called a rider. This could be jewelry and other pricey collections or all that computer equipment in your home office. Source Link
Parents with adult children still living at home may need to apply a dose of reality to get the kids to move out. One strategy is to charge them rent that’s 40 percent of their take-home pay or to double the rent every three months. And resist the urge to bail them out financially because in the real world adults handle this with an extra job or by cutting back on spending. Source Link